“The Circus in Winter” A New Musical

A decade in the making (as most musicals are), I began my time with CIRCUS post-grad school, bringing my Georgetown marketing and communications thesis to life, then raised $200,000+ for the Goodspeed Production earning my role as Associate Producer. Since revisiting the piece at The Circle Series at Circle on the Square Theatre in NYC and taking on the lead producer role, we have facilitated the thorough examination of the historical context of this 1890s post-Civil War/pre-Reconstruction era setting and made significant changes to the book, while keeping the style of the beloved music central to this ensemble piece. We are currently in the process of creating new full demo and looking for our next workshop and production opportunities for the musical.

Lead Producer
Additional: Art direction, web design, video production, fundraising


Ben Clark (Music/Lyrics)
Joe Calarco (Book)
Sybil Roberts Williams (Dramaturg)
Matt Hinkley (Music Director)
Blair Russell Productions (Co-producer)


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